About Psychedelic Voyager Art Collection.
Welcome to my new Psychedelic Voyager Art Collection page.
What exactly is Psychedelic Voyager?
Psychedelic Voyager is a collection of photographs, that I have taken, consisting mainly of plants, nature, and trees. These photos are then mirrored, sometimes up to 10 times. Mirroring the images creates art totems, geometric patterns, faces, and other creatures.
Early experiments with photography.
I have been creating the Psychedelic Voyager Art Collection for around 20 years, I had no intentions of doing anything with it, I just enjoyed seeing what happens when you mirror photographs. Some of my early experiments include photographing moving traffic from a moving vehicle, with a slow shutter speed on my camera. . . and it was raining. This image I called Trucks.

Lamp-Post Spaceships was another favourite experiment. I simply took a photo looking up the lamp post in my street, the sky was crazy stormy. I mirrored the images, but then added a bit of a Sci Fi twist to it.

Eventually, I started experimenting with flower photography and made a piece called 'Soul Flower', The original photography being Daffodils.

The real turning point for the Psychedelic Voyager art was using a friend's front garden, his grass was overgrown, different colour grasses were present, and an abundance of Herb Robert flowers were among the plantains and other weeds. I took some photos and then messed around with them in Photoshop, as soon as I put the images together in a mirror, The Grass Is Greener happened.

The more I play with mirrored photography, the more I know exactly what I can achieve. Psychedelic Voyager has become a full-time project. I have discovered that the patterns and geometry look fabulous on clothing, journals, wallpaper and actual art prints.
For Psychedelic Voyager updates have a look through my Blog post
All art work is available to purchase, and I am also a freelance photographer available for events or other commissions. Please drop me a message if you have any enquires. (links take you to my H-Pinkness.com website)